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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Letting go...for Spring

Currently... I've been feeling that several things in my everyday life need some changing, so what a better time than Spring than to embark on mixing it up a bit. My health, my energy levels and my commitment (or lack there of) to things I frequently dive into have all been brushed to the wayside--for no other reason than perhaps laziness. So I say to myself- Chop Chop Lollipop!

enjoying:  having my daughter home for spring break

loving:  my new iPhone 5

listening to:  Mas Y Mas by Draco Rosa ft. Ricky Martin 

looking forward to:  warmer weather

wishing:  i wasn't constantly let down by friends

missing:  the old me, i've misplaced her

helping:  nothing really

absorbing:  the need the create art

needing:  to decide on my return to photography school

decorating:  or rather redecorating my craft space

wanting:  to move overseas; even if only for a short time

hoping:  to make a connection with my ancestry research

and for some exciting news... I won a space in Jeanne Oliver's Art eCourse titled The Journey of Letting Go! It warms my heart that see her art and her generous nature. Thank you for this!!


The Other Side of Me said...

Hey Girl,

Welcome back!!! Hope you are doing well. We are wishing for warmer weather too!!

Missing you. Hugs to D and L.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the win!! I won a spot in one of her courses, and it as good. Our lives seem to be running parallel these days... I could answer your prompts almost exactly the same. Miss u.

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